Provider Training Opportunities
CBH aims to empower our Provider Network with training and assistance to help them deliver access to high-quality, accountable care that improves the health and mental wellness of our members.
Upcoming Events
Sign Up For the CBH Providers News Blast
CBH Providers can stay updated with the latest training opportunities, Bulletins & Notices, and CBH News by signing up for the twice-weekly CBH Provider Newsblast email.
Where Can Providers Find Training and Assistance?
CBH Provider Training and Development Unit (PT&D)
CBH encourages and promotes provider growth and development through the use of educational training. Providers can participate in various training opportunities through the CBH Provider Training and Development (PT&D) Unit, which can be accessed through the DBHIDS Learning Management System.
PT&D offers all CBH-contracted providers virtual training on clinical processes, supervision, and specialty topics monthly and quarterly. Additionally, we work collaboratively with providers through the technical assistance process to create and implement individualized action plans to address organizational goals. If you have any training or technical assistance questions, contact CBH PT&D at
Evidence Based Practices and Innovation Center (EPIC)
The Evidence-Based Practices and Innovation Center was established in 2013 to advance system-wide strategies that support the implementation, sustainability, and accessibility of behavioral health evidence-based practices in Philadelphia.
Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS)
The City of Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) Learning Hub offers no-cost eLearning courses, webinars, and virtual classes to behavioral health professionals in Philadelphia. To create an account with the DBHIDS Learning Hub, please click here and complete the form. For assistance, email
For additional provider trainings and educations, please visit the DBHIDS Provider Portal.
Behavioral Health Training & Education Network (BHTEN)
In 1996 Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) founded the Behavioral Health Training and Education Network (BHTEN) to support Philadelphia’s behavioral health system by planning, coordinating, and providing quality educational experiences. These educational experiences are geared to a wide range of audiences, including individuals and their family members, DBHIDS staff members, behavioral health service provider organizations, and other human services and community-based organizations.
Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)
The training section within the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs performs a variety of tasks to support the mission of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. These tasks include coordinating multiple training initiatives and maintaining the Training Management System (TMS). This web-based application allows drug, alcohol, and other human services professionals to register for training throughout the Commonwealth.
TMS is a web-based application that allows drug, alcohol, and other human services professionals to register for training offered throughout the Commonwealth. Our trainings are open to any member of the public who is interested in the topics offered, even if they aren’t working in the field. To attend a training, you must first set up a free account. Once you have your account set up, you can then begin registering for training.
Ongoing Online Training
MyOMHSAS E-Learning Center
The Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) has launched MyOMHSAS, its enterprise learning management system, providing tailored training modules and resources on behavioral health topics.
Accessible to everyone, MyOMHSAS offers courses like Suicide Prevention in Care Management, Assisted Outpatient Treatment, Transgender Resources, and Child and Adolescent Service System Program (CASSP)/System of Care (SOC). More modules, such as Anti-Ageist Practices, Cultural Humility, and Working with LGBTQ+ in the Community, are planned for the future.
To access training modules, users must register and log in using the above MyOMHSAS link. For inquiries or suggestions, contact OMHSAS at
BHTEN ASAM Education and Training Support
The Behavioral Training and Education Network (BHTEN) is pleased to provide a variety of education and training support for behavioral health providers implementing the ASAM Criteria. Supports include access to the mandatory ASAM eLearning modules, free of charge, on its website.
Reimbursement for CADC, CAAC, CRS, and CPS certifications to those working in Philadelphia area behavioral health providers through our PCB Certification Scholarship Program. Visit the BHTEN website for more information.
Improving Cultural Competency Training
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosts a free training opportunity on Improving Cultural Competency for Behavioral Health Professionals. Cultural and linguistic competency is recognized as an important strategy for improving the quality of care provided to clients from diverse backgrounds. These trainings are designed to help mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) professionals respond to the unique needs of the populations they serve, especially historically marginalized populations, by reviewing cultural and language competency, increasing awareness of their own cultural and biases, and learning about clients’ cultural identities and specific needs. The training consists of four courses with an estimated completion time of 4-5.5 hours. The courses include:
- An introduction to cultural and linguistic competency
- Know thyself – Increasing self-awareness.
- Knowing others – Increasing awareness of your client’s cultural identity.
- Culturally and linguistically appropriate interventions and services
CBH Compliance Forums
2024 Compliance Forum, November 2024
Opening Session
“Clean Claims” Presentation
Additional Resources
- AI 101 Presentation
- IBHS ABA Tour Preliminary Results Presentation
- IBHS ABA Tour Preliminary Results Discussion
- 2024 CBH Compliance Forum Q&A
2023 Compliance Forum, November 2023
Session I: 2023 Review | 2024 Preview
Session II: How to Catch a Fraudster
Session III: Compliance Plans
Session IV: Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
2022 Compliance Forum, November 2022
Session I: Welcome | CBH Compliance Year in Review
Session II: What to Expect with CBH Compliance Audits
Session III: Presentation from Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General, Medicaid Fraud Control Section
Session IV: CBH Compliance Department Hot Topics
2021 Compliance Forum, November 2021
Session I: COVID and Beyond
Session II: ASAM and Compliance
Session III: Fighting Fraud in Value-Based Payment Models
2020 Compliance Forum, November 2020
Session I: Welcome | Independent Practitioner Documentation Guidelines
- Corresponding PowerPoint: Welcome
- Corresponding PowerPoint: Independent Practitioner Documentation Guidelines
Session II: RAT-STATS Updates
Session III: Compliance 102 Best Compliance Practices
Other Recorded Webinars
Open Minds Provider Training Series, April/May 2022
- Trends Driving Service Delivery in the Next Normal
- Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding: The Competencies Needed to Build a High-Quality Provider Network
- Creating New Services that Meet Changing Consumer Needs
- Creating a “Technology First” Approach to Service Delivery
- Building an Effective Infrastructure for Successful Value-Based Contracting
- Partnerships and Affiliations as a Strategy for Sustainability and Growth
- Driving Financial Sustainability in the Next Normal
Distilling Solutions: Clinical Practice Guidance for Alcohol Use Disorder, February 25, 2021
Distilling Solutions: Clinical Practice Guidance for Alcohol Use Disorder
For more information on AUD, please visit our Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) And Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) page.