Blended Case Management

Blended Case Management (BCM) is a primary, direct service provided for children and adolescents dealing with serious mental or behavioral health challenges, and/or substance abuse issues. Case Managers are available 24/7. They connect children and their families to needed mental health services as well as other community resources and supports.

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Blended Case Management Resources

Blended Case Management (BCM) is a service that assists children and youth in fully using natural community supports and all available behavioral health services. This will enable a child or youth to live a stable, healthy, and safe life in the community.

Children who require BCM have a mental/behavioral health challenge and could even have substance use challenges. They often experience frequent hospitalizations or times of crisis. These members may be experiencing emotional or behavioral difficulties due to trauma, abuse, or neglect. They may be involved in multiple systems such as school, treatment, DHS, and/or criminal justice.

These individuals and families may need support to obtain or maintain community-based treatment or to identify, reach, and maintain personal goals. The service is accessible 24/7 and based on individual needs and their personal goal plan. The frequency of contact can range from daily to once every 30 days.

Who Qualifies for These Services?

BCM is available to children and adolescents under the age of 21 who have a DSM-5 diagnosis and meet medical necessity criteria (MNC).

Provider Contact List

Visit our Provider Directory and search for the selected level of care as the “Facility Type” to access the full list of our FBMHS Providers. A print version of the Provider Directory is also available.

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