Epidemiology of Suicide


In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month, CBH is hosting a Lunch & Learn with Drs. Shari Jager-Hyman and Molly Candon, assistant professors at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine. During the Lunch & Learn, Dr. Jager-Hyman will discuss research and evidence-based practices of suicide prevention, and Dr. Candon will discuss data […]

PCB Certification and Scholarship Q&A


DBHIDS and BHTEN are committed to helping our behavioral health Provider network continue to transition from using the Pennsylvania Client Placement Criteria (PCPC) framework to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) framework to determine level of care for substance use disorders. To help support Provider staff during this transition, DBHIDS and BHTEN are hosting […]

CBH Provider Complaints and Grievances Training


CBH conducts an annual provider satisfaction survey to gauge our performance and obtain provider feedback. Additionally, an annual review of all complaints filed and decisions made is completed. The results of the provider satisfaction survey and complaint review help CBH identify key opportunities for improving the experience of both our providers and members. CBH is […]

Inclusive and Affirming Language in Care Provision Principles and Practice


This training introduces Providers to the principles and practices of using inclusive and affirming language with clients, patients, and colleagues. Participants will review why using inclusive language is important, the implications of using non-inclusive language (including limited access to care for oppressed communities), and how to assess language for inclusivity. At the end of this […]

Assessing Clients’ Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs and Connections to Care


This training will increase participants' comfort with assessing reproductive intention and connections to care. Participants will learn to implement trauma-informed approaches in assessing client need for services based on the client's goals and desires around sexual health and reproduction, utilize basic client-centered counseling skills, and conduct a reproductive and sexual healthcare needs assessment using the […]

CBH Provider Complaints and Grievances Training


CBH conducts an annual provider satisfaction survey to gauge our performance and obtain provider feedback. Additionally, an annual review of all complaints filed and decisions made is completed. The results of the provider satisfaction survey and complaint review help CBH identify key opportunities for improving the experience of both our providers and members. CBH is […]

Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity


This training will review terms, definitions, and concepts related to sexual orientation, sexuality, gender identity, and gender expression. Using lecture, discussion, and experiential activities, participants will gain a deeper awareness of their cultural conditioning around sexuality and gender to enhance culturally-responsible approaches to care. This training also introduces participants to ways they can develop their […]

Keys to Effective Clinical Supervision


CBH Provider Training and Development, in collaboration with BHTEN, is hosting an upcoming webinar for supervisory staff in the CBH Provider Network who are looking to improve their clinical supervision skills. This webinar will discuss supervisory alliance development; models, methods, and techniques to use during supervision; and techniques for giving feedback. Select CEUs for this […]

ICP Program Webinar: Addressing Diabetes Disparities within the Asian Community


CBH is pleased to invite our providers to a webinar on integrated care and addressing diabetes in the Asian population with serious mental illness (SMI). People with SMI experience premature mortality and die 25 years earlier than the general population, and medications used to treat serious mental illness, such as second-generation antipsychotic medications, can cause […]

CBH Provider Complaints and Grievances Training


CBH conducts an annual provider satisfaction survey to gauge our performance and obtain provider feedback. Additionally, an annual review of all complaints filed and decisions made is completed. The results of the provider satisfaction survey and complaint review help CBH identify key opportunities for improving the experience of both our providers and members. CBH is […]

Introduction to Exposure and Response Prevention for Treatment of OCD


In this training, Dr. Sandy Capaldi will provide instruction on the diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and the theoretical underpinnings of Exposure and Response Prevention (EX/RP), an evidence-based treatment for OCD symptoms. The primary treatment components of EX/RP and practical applications of these components will also be discussed. Registration information for this training is […]

MHOP Learning Collaborative Quarterly Meeting: Discussion on Updated OMHSAS Telehealth Provider Bulletin


Please join the MHOP Learning Collaborative for an opportunity to discuss strategies and approaches to the continued implementation of telehealth in the mental health outpatient setting. Please Note: There will be no representation from CBH Leadership or OMHSAS present at this meeting to answer questions. All are welcome, and the meeting will be recorded. If […]