Behavioral Health News
CBH Helps Lead the Way in Reducing Health Disparities for Pregnant Individuals Managing Substance Use Disorders
The longstanding maternal health crisis continues to endanger lives across the U.S., particularly among communities of color and other underserved populations. According to a 2022 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. maternal...
CBH Interim Senior Medical Director Dr. Everett Shares 12 Tips to Help Children and Teens with ADHD Succeed at School
In recognition of ADHD Awareness Month, Mia Everett, MD, Interim Senior Medical Director at CBH, shares 12 tips to help parents position their children and teens with ADHD for continued success during the school year. As the season transitions from summer to fall, the...
CBH Deputy CMO Dr. Williams Discusses Mental Health and the BIPOC Community
Did you know that people from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities are less likely to receive mental health care? In 2015, among U.S. adults with mental illness, 48% of white adults received mental health services compared to 31% of Black and...
CBH CEO Donna Bailey Named to City & State PA’s 2024 Trailblazers in Healthcare List
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) is excited to announce that CEO Donna Bailey has been honored with inclusion on City & State PA’s 2024 Trailblazers in Healthcare list. Bailey was recognized for her exceptional leadership, commitment to service, and impactful...
CBH Launches New Member Journey Webpage to Help Members Navigate Substance Use Treatment
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) is excited to announce the launch of Member Journey, an interactive webpage dedicated to helping Philadelphians learn about substance use treatments paid for by CBH as the Medicaid payor for behavioral health treatment in...
CBH CMO Dr. Charles Altman Shares 21 Things To Know About Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are devastating conditions that affect millions of people across the United States. Many of us have witnessed our own loved ones suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia, which may rob the individual of memory, alter their personality, and...
Empowering Families: Navigating Mental Health with CBH’s Transformative High-Fidelity Wraparound Program
Balancing work and childcare responsibilities often poses a challenge for many parents and primary caregivers across the U.S., with potential long-term effects on the mental health of children and young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and...
World Bipolar Day: CBH CMO Dr. Charles Altman Shares 21 Things To Know About Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder has become a topic of growing public discussion in recent years, from portrayals on the big screen and national media coverage to our daily discourse with family and friends. Despite this increase in awareness, there are still pervasive misconceptions...
Donna Bailey Appointed as Permanent CEO of CBH
Community Behavioral Health (CBH) is excited to announce that Donna Bailey has been named permanent CEO by the organization’s Board of Directors. Bailey took on the role of Interim CEO in October 2023, marking her second tenure with CBH. Bailey’s appointment was...
CBH Interim CEO Donna Bailey Named to Prestigious Metro Black Power Players and City & State Black Trailblazers Lists
Bailey Recognized for her Unwavering Commitment to Service Community Behavioral Health (CBH) Interim CEO Donna Bailey has been honored with inclusion on the Metro Philadelphia 2024 Black Power Player list and the City & State Pennsylvania 2024 Black Trailblazers...