Provider Directory

PLEASE NOTE: If you or someone you know is experiencing a behavioral health crisis and/or requires immediate assistance, please dial 911, visit a Crisis Response Center (CRC), or visit the nearest Emergency Room.

Full Print Version of the CBH Provider Directory
(Updated 3/27/2024)

​For questions about the directory or a listed provider, please contact CBH Member Services or the provider directly.

*“Language Services” refers to in-person, video, telephone, or written interpretation services.

Outpatient Provider-Reported Routine, Urgent, and Emergent Appointment Availability
(.xlsx, Updated 4/2/24) This document notes all current self-reported appointment availability and wait times for CBH in-network outpatient providers. Please contact the Provider Relations Hotline at 215-413-7660 with any questions.

The provider supplies all information upon joining the CBH Provider Network. CBH verifies information upon a provider joining the Network and during the re-credentialing process. All information is sourced by CBH using its standard source method.

If CBH receives new information between re-credentialing cycles, the Directory is updated.

Both the online and print versions of the Provider Directory are subject to change. New provider information will be added as it becomes available.

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